Ephesians Study Day 19

Today we’re still on the beginning verses of Chapter 5 and focusing on Paul’s encouragement for them (and us!) to live as beloved children of God. And in order to do that, not only do we need to try to understand what the will of God is, but we need to live not unwisely, but live wisely as children of light in a dark world.

That informs how we live with those who live differently than we do, who may not be Christian, or who may live lifestyles that are counter to what we believe. Rather than shutting ourselves up in a monastery, Paul encourages us to bring light into the darkness around us. Shine your character and honesty into a world that doesn’t value it like we do. Bear the fruit of your character. Live as children of the light!

And most of all, remember verse 10: Try to find out what is pleasing to the Lord!

Here’s the video:

Here’s a wonderful Celtic version of Be Thou My Vision.  Enjoy!


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